Cosumnes River Journal

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

The Cosumnes River Journal is an annual print magazine of literature and art. We publish poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and essays plus a full slate of art and photography per issue.

We look forward to your submission!   

We accept submissions September through February. Please allow three months for response.


Do not include name or other identifying information on any of the submissions.

Please see our archives.

You can submit up to 5 poems at a time. Please include your poems in one Microsoft Word file. Poems may be single-spaced but should use a standard font. Please note if the stanzas continue onto the following page.

You can submit up to 3 stories at a time. Please include your stories in separate Microsoft Word files. Please single-space and limit each submission to 2,000 words maximum.

You can submit up to 3 essays (or mini-essays) at a time. Please include your essays in separate Microsoft Word files. Please single-space and limit each submission to 2,000 words maximum. Please Note: The 2019 theme for mini-essays (and only min-essays) of up to 250 words is Plenty.

You can submit up to 5 photographs or other art images. Please submit 1 MB jpg images. Please include title and medium for each piece.

Please note:

  • We do not accept previously published work.
  • Like every journal we reserve First Serial Rights of your piece and after publication rights revert back to the author or artist.
  • Simultaneous submissions are fine, granted you withdraw your work on Submittable immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.
  • Contributors receive three complimentary copies. The issue is distributed widely, and the issue is archived in the campus library and website.
  • All accepted submissions including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art will appear in our annual print issue and may appear on our website.
  • We invite all writers appearing in the annual issue to our launch reading in May.
  • We reserve the right to nominate artists for additional prizes.
Cosumnes River Journal